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Good Day Brothers and Sisters, it is with great regret to let you know that TimeWatch Ministries will be terminated April 29th 2023 unless by a miracle God allows it to resume

Feel free to message us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further questions

An Urgent Appeal to Patrons of Time Watch Ministries

Over the past year TWM has been sustained by the faithful donations of those who have a sincere desire to keep alive the memory and ministry of Pastor Cameron Bowen. The TWM Board has endeavored to do so by making available to all selected sermons and editorials on a weekly basis. We are thankful for the support that this project has been able to maintain and hope that it has been a blessing.

However, in order to continue along with this ministry and the plans for the future we are appealing for your dedicated financial contributions. Without the necessary funds TWM is be obliged to fold its website as early as this May 2023. We would all love to honor the memory and ministry of Pastor Bowen by having access to his enlightened sermons and studies that have been graciously preserved for many years, but this cannot happen without continued support to maintain the website. In any event we pray that God’s will be done.

Please give this matter your urgent prayer and consideration

With thanks and best wishes for God’s continued blessings Bro.

Rupert Gosine

On behalf of TWM Board


TWM honors the ministry of our beloved pastor Cameron Bowen by preserving his articles and sermons. Please use the menu links on the left to access the voluminous collection of his unique and valuable contributions to the gospel ministry.

TWM Vision: For every person to have a saving relationship with Christ.

Mission Statement: TWM exists to serve the community with warnings and counsels designed to prepare for the imminent return of Christ through the presentation of saving truths revealed in the Word of God.

Introduction to Spring Series 2023

“The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones…The Lord would have these grand themes studied in our Churches, and if every church member shall give entrance to the word of God it will give light and understanding to the simple.” TM 91, 95, 96

For whatever reason(s) the 1888 message of Righteousness by Faith may have been re-analyzed and deconstructed by theologians, scholars and pastors there remains before us this valuable message in its entirety, together with the firm endorsement of the men (123 times), and their message by the Spirit of Prophecy.

TWM challenges its readers to acquaint or re-acquaint themselves
afresh with excerpts from this “most precious message” for the next
three months in our daily Morning Meditations. (TWM


Location for Sermons can be found at Bowen's Weekly Sermon and TWM Weekly Guests Sermons

Current Events Weekly - Jewish groups defend Christian postal worker at center of Supreme Court sabbath case


Now Morning Meditation - The Lord Is On Your Side-Stop Worrying

The Alliance Between The Cia And The Vatican

Vatican Connection To The Cia


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