adventist history library

Time-line Summary of the Great Advent Movement

Church Heritage Manual Section 15, Time-line Summary of the Great Advent Movement

First we studied the development of the work in broad chronological strokes; then we looked at its various phases of activity and geographical components to get a clearer picture. But our church didn‟t develop by phases nor by segments in a coordinated, methodical pattern; it grew as the Spirit of God moved on the minds of men in different places and in different manners to meet the needs of the gospel commission. Geography, phases, concepts and people are all intertwined throughout the growth and history, creating a strong web of faith in the soon return of Christ encircling the globe. Following is a brief chronological summary for easy reference (obviously, space limits its completeness and regions may wish to add those dates that are important to them).

(Section 2– 1755-1843)

This is the period which brought the Biblical time prophesies to a close and Christianity to a crossroads.

1755 The Lisbon earthquake

1780 The Dark Day

1782 William Miller is born

1792  Joseph Bates is born

1793  Era of Protestant missions begins; William Carey travels to India

1798 End of the 1260-year prophecy

1804 British and Foreign Bible Society organized

1807 Protestant missionary to China– Robert Morrison

1813 Missionary to Burma– Adoniram Judson

1816  Missionary to South Pacific– John Williams

1817  Missionary to Africa– Robert Moffat

1827 Ellen Harmon (later White) born near Portland, Maine

1831 William Miller, Joseph Wolff and others begin to preach on Second Advent

1833 Falling of the stars

1839  Joshua V. Himes joins Miller; preaching enters the large cities

1840  Himes publishes first Advent periodical; Livingstone sails for Cape Town, Africa

1842 Charles Fitch produces prophetic charts; James White begins preaching 1843 “Midnight cry” message proclaimed in preparation for second coming

(Section 3– 1844-1852)

A formative and shaking period for those who believed in the soon second coming; the elements were taking shape that would soon be used in the assemblage of a strong organization.

1844  The “great disappointment,” the Sabbath (Washington, New Hampshire) and sanctuary (Hiram Edson) truths discovered; the gift of prophecy given to the remnant; first public telegraph message sent by Samuel Morse: “What hath God wrought!”

1845  Joseph Bates, J. N. Andrews and others accept the Sabbath

1846  Whites accept Sabbath doctrine

1847  Sabbath vision given to Ellen White

1848  First general meetings of Sabbathkeepers: “Six Sabbath Conferences”; vision to start a small paper

1849  First periodical published: Present Truth; Review and Herald Publishing begins here 1850 First edition of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald

1852 Youth‟s Instructor first published; first Sabbath School lessons (written by James White)

(Section 4– 1853-1863)

With growth came a need for structure; with the need came also a plan, given in answer to prayer.

1853  Identity cards issued to ministers; first Sabbath School organized; first church school established, with Martha Byington as teacher; Uriah Smith joins the Review office

1854  First tent meetings held by Loughborough and Cornell

1855  Headquarters moved to Battle Creek, Michigan, and first building erected for Review

1859 “Systematic Benevolence” plan of giving adopted 1860 Name “Seventh-day Adventist” adopted

1861 First conference formed in Michigan; Review and Herald incorporated in Battle Creek

1863 General Conference organized and first session held; first steps in health reform taken

(Section 5– 1864-1873)

The window on the world of challenges began to open to Seventh-day Adventists. Missionaries first went to California (via Panama, because the transcontinental rail only opened in 1869) and the southern states.

1864 Adventists given noncombatant status in Civil War

1866 First sanitarium (hospital) at Battle Creek; first health journal, The Health Reformer

1868  First workers sent to California; first camp meeting (Wright, Michigan)

1869  First tract and missionary society formed; John Erzberger asks for a missionary to Europe 1872 Death of Joseph Bates;

Advent Tidende , published in Danish (in the U.S.); school opens in Battle Creek and will become the first college of the denomination

(Section 6– 1874-1878)

The window now includes several countries, seven languages, numerous institutions added, and by:

1880 the membership stands at 15,570

1874  J. N. Andrews goes to Switzerland; Signs of the Times published

1875  Pacific Press Publishing begins

1876  France hears the third angel‟s message; Germany organizes their first church; Les Signes des Temps published as first European paper 1877 J. G. Matteson, first missionary to Scandinavia

1878 First Sabbath School offerings collected for mission work; Ings and Loughborough go to


(Section 7– 1879-1904)

By 1904 (twenty-four years later) we had more members outside North America than the total membership was in 1880. During this period, the third angel‟s message went to Australia, Africa, India, South America, Gulf of Mexico, China and the South Sea Islands. From seven languages we expanded to twenty-two. A new wave of youth found their opportunity and mission. 1879 Harry Fenner and Luther Warren organize the first youth society to work on behalf of their peers

1880  First baptisms in England; first conference outside N. America– Denmark

1881  First colporteur, G. A. King; death of James White

1883 Nurses training begins at Battle Creek; death of J. N. Andrews

1885  First missionaries to Australia; Ellen White visits Europe

1886  Work begun on Pitcairn Is.; first church organized in Russia

1887  First missionaries to Africa (Cape Town); first campmeeting in Europe (Norway); colporteurs enter Guyana

1888  Abram LaRue goes to Hong Kong; historic General Conference session at Minneapolis

1889  First missionaries to Turkey, Barbados; Religious Liberty Association organized 1890 S.S. Pitcairn plies the waters of the South Pacific; first youth-related leadership manual

published: Manual of Suggestions for Those Conducting Youth Meetings 1891 Ellen White goes to Australia; work established in Mexico, Central America 1892 Work begins in Finland, Brazil, Jamaica; Cape Conference organized; Steps to Christ published; first youth society in Australia

1893  Work enters Malawi, India, Trinidad, Falklands; first college outside North America– now Helderberg, Cape Town

1894  Work opens in Chile; first Union Conference organized–Australia

1896  First missionary to Japan, health work begins in Australia

1897  Work opens in Belgium, Iceland; Avondale College opens in Australia

1898  Work enters Peru, Hungary; Desire of Ages published

1900  Work enters Indonesia (Sumatra), Virgin Islands

1901  First organized church in Scotland; work enters Puerto Rico; A. G. Daniells elected president; Missionary Volunteer membership cards issued

1902  First workers sent to China; Malamulo Mission founded; Battle Creek: hospital and press burn

1903  Headquarters moves to Washington, D.C.; work enters Tanzania, Spain; Panama mission organized

1904  Work begins in Romania, Portugal, Ecuador; first Korean converts (in Japan); Manual of Young People‟s Work published

(Section 8– 1905-1923)

The work was now expanding so rapidly that we were sending out almost two missionaries every week (average of 96 per year), and youth ministry came into its own.

1905  First resident missionary goes to Korea; first evangelist goes to Haiti; first church in Cuba organized; Peru Mission organized; work begins in the Philippines

1906  Uruguay Mission organized; work enters Kenya

1907  Young People‟s Department of Missionary Volunteers created, with M. E. Kern as director; Morning Watch first published– Central Union (U.S.); Standard of Attainment introduced as precursor to Master Guide

1908  Work begun in Papua-New Guinea, Guatemala; Junior Reading Course introduced

1909  First known converts in Greece; Home Study Institute opens; JMV Societies introduced 1911 Tent meetings held in Palestine (Israel); first precursor to Pathfinders– “Takoma Indians”, Maryland

1912 First converts in Bolivia; Communications Department begins as “Press Bureau” 1913 Ellen White sends her last message to a General Conference session

1914      First converts in Borneo; Junior Society Lessons introduced as precursors to Pathfinder classes

1915      Death of Ellen White; W. H. Branson elected president of the Southern Union at age 28; Senior Bible Year introduced

1917  Junior Bible Year introduced

1918  Home Missionary Branch becomes a General Conference Department (today‟s Personal

Ministries section of the SS&PM Dept.); first Junior Manual published

1919  JMV Pledge and Law adopted

1920  Harriett Holt elected as the first junior youth leader in the youth department

1922      The “Dime” Tabernacle in Battle Creek burns; S. N. Haskell dies; JMV/MV classwork introduced: Friend, Companion for JMV‟s– Comrade, Master Comrade for the “Comrade Band,” a leadership club within the MV Society; uniforms and scarves are suggested

1923      Messages to Young People idea is born; Home Nursing course developed as precursor to the Honors

(Section 9– 1924-1946)

The Great Depression and WWII don‟t seem to impede the third angel‟s message, as the seed sown by the pioneers and watered by the Holy Spirit continues to bear fruit.

1924  Last link to the pioneers dies– J. N. Loughborough; MV Week of Prayer introduced

1925  First youth camp held in Australia

1926  H. M. S. Richards begins radio broadcasting; first youth camps in U.S. (girls–Wisconsin, boys–Michigan)

1927  Mwami Hospital opens in Zambia; Junior Manual in Spanish, Chinese

1928  16 “vocational merits” introduced (Honors); C. Lester Bond becomes Junior Youth

Director at G. C.; First Youth Congress, Germany

1929  Southeastern California Conference opens JMV “Pathfinder” Camp

1930  H. T. Elliot replaces Kern as G. C. Youth Director; Pre-JMV classes added (Adventurer classes)

1931  Leo Haliwell‟s launch, the Luzeiro I, is completed and begins plying the Amazon River

1932  SDA Church Manual published; Camp Leader‟s Handbook published

1936  Central Union adopts a complete uniform for JMV “units”

1937  Theological Seminary established

1938  Master Comrade Manual published; Ideals for Juniors by Bond published, based on the phrases of the Pledge and Law; Pathfinder Club organized in California by Lawrence Paulson 1939 Advent Wacht youth club forms in Switzerland; Advanced Honors introduced; Middle East College established in Lebanon

1941  Voice of Prophecy becomes a denominational project

1942  Trailblazers experimented with in Pacific Northwest with Laurence Skinner

1945  First MV devotional book– “Mysteries” by L. H. Wood; first summer camp in Puerto Rico

1946  First conference-sponsored Pathfinder Club, Riverside, California, Francis Hunt, director, John Hancock, conference Youth Director, designs triangle; EGW compilation Evangelism released

(Section 10– 1947-1959)

WWII ended, the church regroups and rebuilds in many areas, society structures are altered, enter the “modern age.”

1947  First NAD Youth Congress, San Francisco; International Temperance Association formed;

Pathfinder song written by Henry Bergh

1948  Pathfinder flag made by Helen Hobbs; Area Coordinators first used in Pathfindering

1949  First Junior Congress, La Sierra College, with John Hancock; hospital opens in Pakistan

1950  First television broadcasting– Faith for Today; Pathfinder Club adopted by General Conference, Laurence Skinner becomes first World Pathfinder Director; First Pathfinder Fair, California

1951  Maluti Hospital opens in Lesotho; Master Comrade becomes Master Guide

1953  SDA Bible Commentary begins release; Pan American Youth Congress, San Francisco; first issue of the Junior Guide comes off the press; first Pathfinder Camporee, Massachusetts; first Pathfinder Club in Puerto Rico, Eliezer Melendez, director

1954  The first Pathfinder clubs organized on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean

1955  First “Conquistadores” Club organized, Lima, Peru (Spanish Pathfinders), with D. J. von Pohle, Youth Director, and Nercida Ruiz, Club Director 1956 MV Voice of Youth evangelism adopted by G. C.

1958  Advanced Classes added to Pathfinder curriculum; Silver Award introduced

1959  World membership of the church reaches the 1 million mark; First student missionary sent from Columbia Union College; first Pathfinder Club in Zimbabwe and Brazil (Desbravadores); Gold Award introduced

(Section 11– 1960-2000)

People begin to refer to the phrase “as in the days of Noah”; “millenium fever” and Y2K troubles the hearts and minds of society. It‟s time for the Lord to come; there is a new sense of urgency; evangelism adapts to technology and goes global via satellite.

1960  Andrews University takes the place of the Theology Seminary; first union Camporee at Lone Pine, California

1961  CME becomes Loma Linda University

1962  5-Day Plan to Stop Smoking introduced; new 60-hour Pathfinder Staff Training course

1963  John Hancock becomes World Pathfinder Director

1966  Adventurers begun in Hartford, Connecticut, with Rita Vital directing

1967  Stewardship Dept. established

1969  World Youth Congress, Zurich, Switzerland

1970  Insight replaces Youth‟s Instructor ; membership at 2 million; Leo Ranzolin (Brazil) becomes World Pathfinder Director

1971  First division-wide Camporee, Sweden (Northern Europe-West Africa Division, today: 

1972  First efforts at world-wide coordinated evangelism, Mission „72….; first Euro-Africa

Division Camporee, Austria

1974  First Antillean Union Pathfinder Camporee

1975  First South Pacific Division Camporee, Australia

1976  50th anniversary of MV camping; highest youth camp in the world is realized at Ticllo, Peru, with 20 Master Guide candidates, elevation 4,900 mts./17,000+ ft.

1977  G. C. Annual Council launches plan for baptizing 1,000 persons/day by 1980; Youth Ministry Accent produced by G. C. Youth Dept.


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