The Worst of Times

TimeWatch Editorial
April 04, 2016

Ken Silva died sometime shortly after September 2014. His last posting on the Christian Research Network, is dated 27 September 2014. The title of that posting is “The Papacy of the Roman Catholic Church.” His stated motivation for the article is “With more and more evangelicals seeking full Christian fellowship with Rome, Apprising Ministries (Website) shares some vital background concerning this antichrist office of the Roman Catholic Church.”

Ken Silva was the pastor of Connecticut River Baptist Church in Claremont, New Hampshire. The present pastor, David Moses, describes the work done on the Apprising Ministries (Website) by Ken Silva this way.

“We need to contend for the faith once delivered as much now as when Jude wrote his epistle. This has been the focus of Apprising Ministries since its inception. Our brother Ken had the gift of discernment. Not only was he able to identify bad teaching, he was able to explain why it was wrong in a way that was easily understandable.” David Moses, Apprising.Org Is an Archive of Ken Silva’s Work

Pastor Ken Silva was not afraid to speak out concerning the atrocities presented in both the Catholic and Protestant Churches. It was clear that he was determined to maintain the original Protestant Ethic that has been degraded and seriously damaged. He bemoaned the lack of voices that should have been speaking out in defense of truth. His recognition of a shift from discipleship to numerical membership troubled him greatly. Even though he was by no means the only one speaking out concerning these matters, his brand of directness and persistence could not be overlooked. As an example of this direct approach, Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Dec 18, 2011 published an article entitled: James Robison And Rick Warren Working To Reverse The Protestant Reformation ”, on the Apprising Ministries Website. Here is how he introduces the article.

Apprising Ministries  continues to warn of growing syncretism within spiritually spineless evanjellyfish with its Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along,” theology; inflamed as it is with lust for the approval of the world. First of all, I’m telling you again that with every passing day nefarious Word Faith heretics like modalist T.D. Jakes continue slithering closer to full-on mainstream acceptance; take for example Megachurch Pastors Joel Osteen And T.D. Jakes Unite And Why You Should Care.” Ken Silva, James Robison and Rick Warren Working to Reverse the Protestant Reformation

His style is unmistakable, uniquely direct and forthright. Not only does he clearly identifies those involved in the apostasy, but immediately addresses the apostasy itself. First, he mentions the newest and apparently effective Neo-Counter-Reformation pathway to error.

“Pastors and leaders need to know that this pouty postmodern (all about how I feel) time of timid tolerance was the perfect vacuum into which Satan could inject his infestation of divination in corrupt Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism under the guise of so-called Spiritual Formation. It’s not merely a coincidence the teachings of demons that comprise the mythology of spurious Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism came from the monastic orders of Rome. Like poisonous spores CSM flowered throughout the Roman Catholic Church and so infected its theology over the centuries that it eventually placed its—never changed—anathema upon the Lord’s glorious Gospel of salvation by God’s grace alone (sola Deo gratia), through faith alone (sola fide), in the finished work on the Cross (no need for the Mass) of Christ alone (solus Christus).”Ken Silva,James Robison and Rick Warren Working to Reverse the Protestant Reformation

Next he addresses the fact that Rome has not changed, and will not change. He quotes the statements of encouragement and adoration for Catholicism by Rick Warren, James Robison and of course Glen Beck. In that same article he has included the transcript of one of Robison’s programs in which he has the catholic priest Jonathan Morris as a guest. Pastor Ken Silva’s instincts were indeed guided by the Holy Spirit. He spoke without fear, and has gone to rest, his work remains, and one can only pray that as time passes, the revelation of events will draw many to an understanding of the things of which he spoke.

Cameron A. Bowen

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