The Coming Repudiation – Part 1

TimeWatch Editorial
February 8, 2016

Suddenly, the political scene is changing. For perhaps the first time in history, a so-called socialist agenda is front and center in America. Of course, there is nothing new about the point of view, for the arguments have always been the same. The increasing wealth inequality in the United States, repeal of some of the tax breaks that benefit hedge funds and corporations, disastrous trade agreements that ship jobs overseas, the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, the establishment of employee ownership agreements, doing away with the large amount of corporate financing of elections etc.

There are those who often equate Socialism with Communism. We will not attempt to define these two here, suffice it to say that they both engage the idea that citizens should be treated equally and should benefit from the resources of the nation. As I said, the differences are more specific, but for now, these two points of view fall on similar ground. The history of opposition to both Socialism and Communism is well recorded in American history. Not only has this political view been despised in the United States, but we have gone to war because of our strong opposition to this system of government. We have sought to prevent the possibility of nearby nations becoming sympathetic to the agenda.

Suddenly, however, a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist has arrested the attention of the working class in this country. The millennials, those who are 18 to 33 years old, born 1981–1996 are also drawn in droves to this person. How can this be? Has capitalist greed driven the youth and the shrinking middle class to seek another form of government? Even across the isle in congress, on the other political spectrum, there is seen a definite shift. The traditional conservative center has apparently lost control of the thinking of their followers, lost it so completely, that the most unlikely outsider now threatens to rule the roost.

There are many who do not see the similarities between elements of a Democratic Socialist government and a Fascist government. A Fascist Government is a nationalistic system of government marked by centralization of authority with a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls. The suggestion of a wall that shuts out illegal aliens, the banning of a particular religious group from entry, the preoccupation with the idea of ‘Making The Country Great Again’ falls directly under a renewed nationalistic separatism. What is separatism?

It is the advocacy or practice of separation of a certain group of people from a larger body on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or gender. Oxford Dictionary

So why is there this momentous shift? It is truly the fulfillment of prophecy. Both of these rising forms of government are an assault upon the Constitution of the United States. Why is this? The Constitution of the United States is based upon a Republican form of government. We have always associated the word Republican with the name of a party. There is however a serious difference here.

These two forms of government, Democracy and Republicanism, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting a sharp contrast. A Democracy is based upon the Unlimited Rights of the Majority, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual.

A Republican form of government is one in which, under a written Constitution the will of the Majority is respected while the rights of The Individual and The Minority are protected. It is always assumed that the United States is a Democracy, it may be so now, but it was originally formed as a Republic. Remember the pledge?

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The silent shift begins a process that will ultimately lead to a complete transformation, as we shall see in part 2.

Cameron A. Bowen

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