December 15, 2015

The Prophetic Observations of Luther

TimeWatch Editorial
December 15, 2015

It continues to amaze how the fundamentals of the Word of God have inspired his servants throughout the years. A careful look beyond the obvious reveals a similar root that has motivated those who have answered the call to service. The Protestant Seed that bore fruit in the heart of Martin Luther is repeatedly described as: Sola scriptura ("by Scripture alone"), Sola fide ("by faith alone") Sola gratia ("by grace alone") , Christus or Solo Christo ("Christ alone" or "through Christ alone") . As accurate a description as that might be the roots that sprung from that seed, rests in Luther’s thorough study of God’s Word.

Winfried Vogel, in his "The Eschatological Theology of Martin Luther, Part I: Luther's Basic Concepts says this about him:

“As soon as one delves into the study of Luther's works, especially his sermons and expositions of the Bible, one is rather fascinated by the overwhelming presence of eschatological thought in what this great Protestant Reformer had to say and write. The crux of the matter is not to be found simply in his references to the papacy as the antichrist, or in his clear warnings against the Turks, nor even in his expressions of a longing for the last day. Rather, it is to be found in the fact that the eschaton-the consummation of all things into the coming Kingdom of God was a central and very compelling force that drove and motivated Luther as a person and as a theologian.” Winfried Vogel, "The Eschatological Theology of Martin Luther, Part I: Luther's Basic Concepts. Page 249

As stated before, there has always been a focus upon Righteousness by Faith as his contribution to the understanding of scripture, but such a limitation, drastically understates the fullness of his labors. His identification of the Pope as the anti-Christ was an important element of the Reformation. Winfried Vogel, in his "The Eschatological Theology of Martin Luther, Part 2: Luther's Exposition of Daniel and Revelation,” says:

“He (Luther) had as early as 1521 interpreted Dan 8:23-25 as pointing to the Pope as the antichrist, as well as applying the little horn in Dan 7 to the papacy. Luther interpreted the prophecies on the antichrist and on the little horn in this general fashion, except that in Dan 8 he saw both the pope and the Turk represented. In one of the table-talks he is even quoted as bringing the pope, the Turk, and the antichrist together into a combined interpretation of Dan 7 and Rev 13.1. Among these entities, however, it was the pope who remained the chief object of Luther's attention.” Winfried Vogel, "The Eschatological Theology of Martin Luther, Part 2: Luther's Exposition of Daniel and Revelation.”

The clear vision expressed by this man, called by God to restore the apostolic faith, was indeed based upon the Word that described and foretold the events to come. The books of Daniel and Revelation were studied in depth. This is what Vogel says:

“The mention in Dan 7 of a judgment and of the new kingdom was to Luther clear evidence that the end was fast approaching, and for him the book of Daniel had thus become a source of comfort "in these last times"16-a book which he commended to all pious Christians to read." He says, in fact, that the book was written for the sake of "the miserable Christians" and had been saved for "this last time." Winfried Vogel, "The Eschatological Theology of Martin Luther, Part 2: Luther's Exposition of Daniel and Revelation.”

To ignore the prophecies as revealed would be to join hands with those who sought to silence the apostle John. To attempt to nullify the warnings would be to join with the counter-reformation. We cannot and must not allow the falsity that would negate the urgent message God has sent. The messages are serious. They are NOT denominational. They are divine; provided to those who would be made ready for the Kingdom of Heaven.

The hour is near. Let us be ready.

Cameron A. Bowen

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