The Rise of Fascism – Part 2

TimeWatch Editorial
December 14, 2015

In part 1 of this subject, published December 10, 2015, we referred to an article by Frederick Clarkson, in an article entitled "The Rise of Dominionism: Remaking America as a Christian Nation " In the Public Eye magazine, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2005. In that article, Mr. Clarkson describes Dominionism as “the belief that "America is a Christian Nation," and that Christians need to re-assert control over political and cultural institutions.” Mr. Clarkson continues to define Dominionism as having a “soft” and a “hard” side. He describes the “hard “side this way.

The seminal form of Hard Dominionism is Christian Reconstructionism, which seeks to replace secular governance, and subsequently the U.S. Constitution, with a political and judicial system based on Old Testament Law, or Mosaic Law. Not all Dominionists embrace this view, though most Dominionists look back to the early years of the American colonies to argue that before the Constitution, "the United States was originally envisioned as a society based on Biblical law."

Clarkson describes a spectrum of Dominionists who seek differing levels of theocracy, but all of which fulfill the same motivation of transforming the United States into a land governed by Mosaic Law. The element of personal choice being removed and replaced with coercive measures completely restructures the nation into fascist state.

Nomi Wolf in her book “The End Of America” published in 2007, says the following about Fascism.

Fascism is a word whose definition political scientists (and even fascists themselves) do not entirely agree upon. Though Mussolini coined this term (from the dual rods, ox fasces, carried by officials in ancient Rome), some Nazis did not see the Italians as being tough enough to qualify as true fascists. Umberto Eco wrote of latter-day "Ur-Fascists" and other critics have described "neo-Fascists" or "sub-fascists" when they refer to more recent violent dictatorships that use state terror and other kinds of control to subordinate the population and crush democratic impulses—notably in Latin America.3 The Columbia Encyclopedia defines fascism as a "philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life.... Its essentially vague and emotional nature facilitates the development of unique national varieties, whose leaders often deny indignantly that they are fascists at all."   Nomi Wolf in her book “The End Of America”2007.

In the same year 2007, April 22, Naomi Wolf published an article in the Guardian Newspaper, entitled: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps. Here are some of the steps she outlines.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

After we were hit on September 11 2001, we were in a state of national shock. Less than six weeks later, on October 26 2001, the USA Patriot Act was passed by a Congress that had little chance to debate it;

2. Create a gulag

Once you have got everyone scared, the next step is to create a prison system outside the rule of law (as Bush put it, he wanted the American detention centre at Guantánamo Bay to be situated in legal "outer space") - where torture takes place.

3. Develop a thug caste

When leaders who seek what I call a "fascist shift" want to close down an open society, they send paramilitary groups of scary young men out to terrorize citizens.

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

In Mussolini's Italy, in Nazi Germany, in communist East Germany, in communist China - in every closed society - secret police spy on ordinary people and encourage neighbors to spy on neighbors.

The entire article is worth reading. That is why we’ve posted a link to it on our TimeWatch Daily page. But as you can see, the transition is usually smooth and without warning. It always has appeared to be the reasonable solution to whatever problem has been manufactured by the masters. The vulnerabilities of the society are exploited; facts are manipulated, until the society becomes imprisoned in the darkness of a controlled agenda. We must pay closer attention, listen more carefully, and respond independently. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Cameron A. Bowen

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