An Educational Shift

TimeWatch Editorial
December 1, 2015

The most overlooked element of today’s devolving society is the changed philosophy of education. Each generation is the product of learning. There was a time when children were taught to think, to compare, to develop an ability to differentiate between right and wrong, to choose the wisest method, the correct path and the preferred journey.   Today, thoughts, decisions, even attitudes are all pre-programmed.

There was a time when options were clearly defined. The student was given a wide variety of possibilities. All work was considered equally rewarding. But our ‘modern’ view of choices are defined not so much by the successful accomplishment of the task at hand, but rather the amount of financial reward available, regardless of the suitability of the “profession.” Our children are taught to disrespect certain types of employment, look down upon those who are engaged in such work, and “aim” for some higher goal, as if the goal itself were more important than the humility of work well done.

This driving ambition to succeed often sucks the seed of true value out of the hearts of our children, who never ever get to properly evaluate the caliber of their own abilities. Also, when they have been driven to pursue ‘higher goals’ in life, on achieving such an objective, the experience is often disappointing, because of the level of incompatibility with their true personalities.

One massive shift that has drastically impacted society today has taken place in the farming industry. There was a time when families planted food for themselves and for others who needed to provide for their families. Generations followed in their path, learning from nature the totality of pure science that was available from no other source. The quality of the food was dependable; the satisfaction level high, the work, exercise, and diet compendium provided a health coefficient that was truly admirable. Soon however, the children were enticed into believing that another area of education might ultimately be more beneficial to them and their children yet unborn. Greedy corporate entities sought total control of this basic resource of life. The children were sent off to school at incredibly high rates of educational costs, the land of their parents was stolen at ridiculously low prices, and the food has become contaminated with genetic implants that serve the single purpose of changing the image of God in man.

They claim, the Genetic Modification is intended to provide and prolong the supply of food for the globe, but what they will never tell you is that this is not really their intent. The desire to control the thoughts, habits and decision capabilities of the world’s population cannot be guaranteed by Coercive Persuasion only. There must be an attending genetic element included. This is why there is such a financial investment dedicated to preventing the labeling of GM foods.

This is but one demonstrable result of an educational shift. Imaging the shift in Medical school! The protective way in which hospitals are run, the number of needless tests and prescriptions but for no other reason than the legal protection of the institution rather than the health and welfare of the patient. We could sift through profession after profession, and identify the loss of capability, the lack of professionalism, o for that matter interest.

When did this start? Where did this start? As always answers to these questions are important, but perhaps the one thing that supersedes them all would be this; let true education begin with you today. Whatever your job or career, or profession, make that change today, and if you are a parent, take a hard look at the choices you are making for or with your children. It is not too late.

Cameron A. Bowen

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